06 September 2011


Just got off the phone with the doctor's office. I'm very relieved to have gotten into the doctor I had for my first two babies. I really like him and feel comfortable with him and his staff.

Unfortunately, I probably won't be in to see him until early next month. I should be about 8-10 weeks by then. I just wanna do it now!! I go in to "preregister" on the 21st.

I do like the fact that he now does ultrasounds in his office, and I will get one at my first appointment. That will be nice, rather than haggling with our hospital and trying to find my way around there since the "renovation"... Hell, I don't even know where the front door is!!

But, this is a little weight off my shoulders. A little bit of relief in the back of my mind. The spotting has stopped, and I got myself re hydrated, quelling the cramps a bit, too. Things are feeling good. I am officially a day late today.

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